Foodbank for PPR Puri Warisan Inanam residents during the pandemic

The Problem

In light of the pandemic, many families and individuals have lost jobs or face difficulties in putting food on the table. Even though the government and many NGOs have donated food supplies to B40 communities at the PPRs, the food supplies often last for only 1 to 2 weeks.

The Solution

Sahabat Amal Care initiated a food bank at PPR Puri Warisan Inanam to help the residents in light of the pandemic. These food bank not only provides food supply for the residents, but also serves as a medium for residents to start small entrepreneurship initiatives where they can also sell handmade crafts or food. This project helped the residents to earn extra income alongside obtaining sustenance throughout the pandemic.

Communities we work with

The platform hosts a directory of all NGOs and innovators tackling challenges within Malaysia, while also highlighting the various PPR Communities. Ruangreka aims to bridge the gap between the changemakers, communities and resources.

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